person of the forest...

The name orang utan means "person of the forest" in malay language. This discription of orangutan could be more exact since these animals are almost entirely aboreal. They eat, travel, sleep and rest all in the tree canopy in the aid of hook- like hands and feet to help them grasp branches. Orang utans are a group of primates that are part of the "Great Apes" which include chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), bonobos (pan paniscus) and gorillas.

A distinction of Orang utans from the other Great Apes is that they possess arms that are roughly 7 feet long (almost twice the length of their legs) because of the amount of time Orang utans spend in the trees. Orang utans differ from Chimpanzees because these gentle & peaceful animals rarely exhibit the reckless and impulsive behavior that is common among the Chimps.

Height:1.25 meters (males), 1 meter (females)
Weight:85 kg (males), 40 kg (females)
Lifespan:35 to 40 years (60 years in captivity)
Travel Speed:.35 kilometers per hour (one tenth the speed of Chimpanzees)


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